Sigma Business Network

Welcome to the Sigma Business Owner’s Network!

The Network’s purpose is to provide networking, educational, wealth building and advocacy support to the Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity who are have their own business. Within Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity there is a wealth of talented and innovative businessmen in various industries throughout the International Landscape. This network focuses on pooling various resources together to create a collaborative network of successful businessmen in an effort to improve the quality of life in our communities through wealth creation and economic empowerment. Through this website, we will spotlight our Sigma businesses and celebrate their services within the Brotherhood as well as within the communities in which our Sigma Businessmen provide services to. We encourage everyone to support these businesses through your patronage and referrals throughout your network. Additionally, this site will:
  • Present additional resources to assist entrepreneurs in starting your business.
  • List various contract and grant opportunities from various entities.
  • How It Works

    Complete Business Listing

    Create an account to add your business profile. Increase your visibility by adding photos, hours of operation, services offered and list the various ways customers can reach your business.

    Review and Approval

    SBN administrator will review your business and confirm the information entered. We may contact you if we have questions prior to approving the listing.

    Network Benefits

    By adding your profile to SBN and maintaining your business profile, you will be promoting yourself. Get found on the network to increase your visibility.

    The Sigma Business network business profile listing to limited to members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Business listing approval is contingent being in good membership standing of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. by SBN. We reserve the right to approve or reject business listing requests.

    Featured Businesses

    Explore our top rated business